Test Banner Global element on used on an as needed basis.

CAT NOTE: This template should be used for any new or existing tUX sites. Confirm no updates are needed to this template by comparing against the template site before cloning. Delete note after reading.

CAT NOTE: Check if the “Normalize Heading Sizes” Feature Flag is turned on in the theme settings for the template site. If your site does not have this turned on, update headers to include classes as needed. Delete note after reading.

CAT NOTES (Right Rail):

CAT NOTE: Hero B component. Use focus and overlay on image, as needed. Delete note after reading

Online [School Name] (standard heading), H1 Header w/ u-f800 class

CAT NOTE: Has to have 4 fast facts. Value props will be flexible. Select the appropriate icon for each prop. Delete note after reading.

Value Prop

Value Prop

Value Prop

Value Prop

Request More Information

CAT NOTE: Reusable block copy might need small adjustments to align with partner guidelines/style. If the RFI copy is completely rewritten loop in Allyson Priano. If no content is included, leave content below as is. Heading is a H2 w/ h3 class. Delete note after reading/applying change, if necessary.

CAT NOTE: If working on an international partner, RFI heading might need to be adjusted to sentence case. Confirm with Brand that this is the case before adjusting. Delete note after reading/applying change, if necessary.

Complete this form to receive information about coursework, admissions, tuition, and more.

CAT NOTE: Section below usually uses a bold color (different from RFI Form). Jumplink sections are standard and should NOT be changed. Delete note after reading.

CAT NOTE: Two Columns component with 65/35 layout and a “White” background color. Column layout can be adjusted, if needed, to fit content better. Delete note after reading.

Overview (flexible heading), H2 Header

Content uses the default font size.

CAT NOTE: One Column component with neutral background color. Delete note after reading.

Programs Intro (flexible heading), H2 Header

Content uses the default font size.

CAT NOTE: 3 Options: [Option 1] If 6 programs or less are listed, tab component is not needed. [Option 2] Use default tabs with program card accordions, if 7-9 programs are listed. [Option 3] If 10 programs or more are listed, use default tabs with field of study accordions. Keep one option and remove unused options. Delete note after reading and delete options not used.

CAT NOTE: If using tabs, do NOT exceed 3 tabs. Based on useability study learns, more than 3 tabs provides a poor mobile user experience.

CAT NOTE: Highlighted copy MUST be uploaded as sentence case or lowercase to function correctly on assistive devices. The highlight class will allow it to appear capitalized. Delete this note after reading.

  • Modality: ABC
  • Credit Hours: XX
  • Duration: XX months/semesters/years

Content uses the default font size.

  • Modality: ABC
  • Credit Hours: XX
  • Duration: XX months/semesters/years

Content uses the default font size.

  • Modality: ABC
  • Credit Hours: XX
  • Duration: XX months/semesters/years

Content uses the default font size.

[Program or Program Specialization Name] (standard heading), H3 Header

  • Modality: ABC
  • Credit Hours: XX
  • Duration: XX months/semesters/years

Content uses the default font size.

[Program or Program Specialization Name] (standard heading), H3 Header

  • Modality: ABC
  • Credit Hours: XX
  • Duration: XX months/semesters/years

Content uses the default font size.

[Program or Program Specialization Name] (standard heading), H3 Header

  • Modality: ABC
  • Credit Hours: XX
  • Duration: XX months/semesters/years

Content uses the default font size.

[Program or Program Specialization Name] (standard heading), H3 Header

  • Modality: ABC
  • Credit Hours: XX
  • Duration: XX months/semesters/years

Content uses the default font size.

[Program or Program Specialization Name] (standard heading), H3 Header

  • Modality: ABC
  • Credit Hours: XX
  • Duration: XX months/semesters/years

Content uses the default font size.

[Program or Program Specialization Name] (standard heading), H3 Header

  • Modality: ABC
  • Credit Hours: XX
  • Duration: XX months/semesters/years

Content uses the default font size.

Content uses the default font size.

[Field of Study Name] (standard heading), H3 Header

Content uses the default font size.

  • No limit. Regular sized unordered list, bolded
  • Regular sized unordered list
  • Regular sized unordered list

[Field of Study Name] (standard heading), H3 Header

Content uses the default font size.

  • No limit. Regular sized unordered list, bolded
  • Regular sized unordered list
  • Regular sized unordered list

[Field of Study Name] (standard heading), H3 Header

Content uses the default font size.

  • No limit. Regular sized unordered list, bolded
  • Regular sized unordered list
  • Regular sized unordered list

Content uses the default font size.

[Field of Study Name] (standard heading), H3 Header

Content uses the default font size.

  • No limit. Regular sized unordered list, bolded
  • Regular sized unordered list
  • Regular sized unordered list

[Field of Study Name] (standard heading), H3 Header

Content uses the default font size.

  • No limit. Regular sized unordered list, bolded
  • Regular sized unordered list
  • Regular sized unordered list

[Field of Study Name] (standard heading), H3 Header

Content uses the default font size.

  • No limit. Regular sized unordered list, bolded
  • Regular sized unordered list
  • Regular sized unordered list

CAT NOTE: Two Column component with same background color as RFI. Component will display a RB, do NOT change–only update Brand Call-Out section. Will use 65/35 layout, but can be adjusted to fit content better, if needed. Delete note after reading.

Brand Call-Out (flexible heading), H2 Header

CAT NOTE: Unlike suite LPs, Brand LP will list awards and recognitions in this section rather than the reusable about us block. The reason being is that the about us block would be similar to the intro on this LP. Delete note after reading.

  • No limit. Regular sized unordered list
  • Regular sized unordered list
Request Info

Reusable Block: Online Learning Experience (flexible heading), H2 Header

RB: Content uses the default font size.

CAT NOTE: One Column component with “White” background color. Delete note after reading.

Curriculum (flexible heading), H2 Header

Content uses the default font size.

CAT NOTE: If there are accreditation logos [Optional], they can be placed in badge component below. Don’t forget alt text! Delete component if not used and note after reading.

CAT NOTE: Two Columns Media Component with “White” background color. Delete note after reading.

Careers (flexible heading), H2 Header

Content uses the default font size.

Job/Stat List (flexible heading), H3 Header w/ h4 class

  1. Max 5. Regular sized ordered list, career title
  2. Regular sized ordered list, career title

Request More Information

Request Info

CAT NOTE: Reusable Block above. CTA background color should match the RFI color. Header (H2 w/ u-f800 class) and button wording should match RFI. One column should have u-center class. Delete note after reading.

CAT NOTE: One Column component with “White” background color. Adjust Sources and Disclaimers heading as necessary to fit partner’s nomenclature and the content provided (ex: plural vs singular). Delete note after reading.

Sources and Disclaimer (standard heading), H2 Header w/ h3 class

  1. Small sized ordered list, source NOT hyperlinked. All source links should show only the root domain URLfor LPs.
  2. Small sized ordered list, source NOT hyperlinked.
  3. Small sized ordered list, source NOT hyperlinked.

CAT NOTE: Disclaimers on the site are small sized copy and italicized. Delete note after reading.

CAT NOTE: Meta description is not needed; however, ensure the meta title does not need to be updated since this is reflected in the user’s tab. Use variables if you can. Delete after reading.

CAT REMINDERS: Use affiliate show/hide classes as needed. All hyperlinks (aside from privacy & terms) need Growth Marketing and AF approval to be included on their respective LPs. Delete note after reading.

CAT NOTE: Tealium information will be added to the “Tealium 2 – WES” section. Please include wildcard * to URL when adding. Delete note after reading.